5 Reasons
Why PLUSREAL is the
Best Option for your
Sensitive Skin

What's as important as the right products is accurate knowledge.

PLUSREAL shares the knowledge and tips we've acquired as skincare experts dedicated to sensitive skin.
We publish various contents on our TikTok and Instagram channel, our blog, and in email newsletters every week.
The aim of these contents is not for promotional purposes but to deliver the correct skincare knowledge to people with sensitive skin and to rectify misinformation.
Don't miss our weekly content tailored exclusively for sensitive skin.


All PLUSREAL products are formulated with a combination of natural and active ingredients, which we call the PLUSREAL formula. Creating best products for sensitive skin is quite a challenging process. It's not just about the how much of ingredients we put in but also about balancing and synergizing them effectively. By adding active ingredients to natural ones, we aim to find a synergy point where 1+1 equals more than 2. This allows us to apply the perfect ratio of ingredients to create skincare products that are perfectly suitable for sensitive skin. We refer to this synergy between ingredients as "PLUSREAL."

Outro - We Create Resonance

The sound used in the outro video is the traditional Korean drum sound known as 'buk.' The graphics represent the sound of the drum spreading out. The buk, although not flashy, is the most fundamental sound that balances the rhythm of music. This buk sound symbolizes our brand's commitment to creating resonance, much like the sound of the drum, for those with sensitive skin concerns. On the other hand, it signifies the brand's passion for providing the best products that establish a fundamental balance for the sensitive skin of our customers.